A dough with water dripping over it

The Ultimate Guide to Pizza Dough Hydration: What Every Baker Should Know [Impact on the Dough, Baking Process, Final Product & More]

The concept of dough hydration is one of the most fundamental aspects of baking, that every baker should understand. In this article, we’ll explore what hydration is, how it affects dough and the final product, and how it influences the baking process and the eating characteristics of pizza or bread. The information provided below is the most comprehensive and detailed available online, and in my opinion, a must-read for bakers of all skill levels – from beginners to professionals

A frozen pizza dough inside the freezer

How to Freeze Pizza Dough for Optimal Performance: A Scientific Approach

Freezing pizza dough is a convenient way to have dough readily available for future use. However, making frozen dough is more complex than it might seem. To achieve optimal results, it is important to follow some best practices. In this article, we will break down the freezing process, explain its importance, discuss how it affects the final result, and outline the recommended approach for freezing pizza dough

Jars containing a poolish and a biga with a "vs" between them

Biga vs Poolish for Pizza: What Is the Difference in Practice?

Biga and poolish are two popular preferments that can greatly enhance the flavor and texture of pizza dough (or any dough for that matter). However, many people are unsure about the differences between them. In this article, we will provide you with all the information you need to understand the practical differences between poolish and biga