Pizza Dough and Yeast Calculator: Make Pizza Dough Like a Pro

PizzaBlab » Pizza Calculators and Tools » Pizza Dough and Yeast Calculator: Make Pizza Dough Like a Pro

PizzaBlab’s pizza dough and yeast calculator is your ultimate tool for creating and editing pizza recipes, allowing you to easily adjust your dough formulas and determine the correct ingredient amounts. Additionally, it serves as a pizza dough yeast calculator, helping you find the optimal yeast quantity based on your fermentation conditions, ensuring you create the perfect dough every time

**Important information for using the calculator can be found below.**

For poolish: 100%. For biga: 45%.
Flour (100%)000
Total Dough Weight000
Single Ball000
Total Flour and Water (including preferment)th>GramsTspTbsp
Flour in Preferment000
Water in Preferment000
Final DoughGramsTspTbsp
Flour (remaining)000
Water (remaining)000
Total Dough Weight000
Single Ball000

Important Information for Using PizzaBlab’s Pizza Dough Calculator

  • The calculator is based on baker’s percentages. If the term ‘baker’s percentage’ is new to you, or if you’re not entirely sure you understand it, it is highly recommended to read about it in the link above before proceeding.
  • To display the final quantities of the ingredients, the calculator requires all the basic dough data: dough weight/dimensions, number of balls, water and salt percentages, preferment quantities (if using preferment), and fermentation temperature and duration. Without this information, the calculator will display zero quantities, as there is no basis for calculation.
  • The fermentation duration refers to the time from the END OF KNEADING to when the pizza is baked, regardless of the fermentation method used.
  • When using a preferment, the fermentation duration refers specifically to the final dough, AFTER the preferment has been incorporated. In other words, when selecting the fermentation duration, only account for the fermentation time of the FINAL dough.
  • The calculator does not account for the amount of yeast in the preferment, as it is typically very small and negligible compared to the total yeast amount. Therefore, in most cases, you can use the total yeast amount provided by the calculator for the final dough and disregard the yeast in the preferment.
  • PizzaBlab’s pizza dough calculator can be used for any yeast-leavened dough.
  • There are variables that cannot be accounted for in a simple formula. Factors such as fluctuating fermentation temperatures, different dough management techniques, final dough temperature, and yeast vitality all significantly impact fermentation rate.
  • Therefore, the calculator provides an excellent starting point for determining the amount of yeast. However, the suggested amount is not definitive and may require slight adjustments through trial and error.

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